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Mental Health & Well-Being

We are a "myHappymind" school!

It is a science-backed programme for schools and is grounded in the latest science and research about what it takes to create positive well-being.

We are very excited about using myHappymind and will keep you posted about parent and carer resources. Watch this space!

Here are a few links that might be useful if you are searching for some support for yourselves as parents and carers or for your children. Please come in and have a chat with us if you would like any other information, guidance or support. 

Young Minds




Charlie Waller Trust

Mental health and Well-being impact statement.


At Croft we want to promote positive mental health and well-being in school. We aim to help children understand their emotions and feelings better, promoting self-esteem. We want to give children the strategies for coping with their emotions and provide support for all staff and students who may be suffering with mental health. We provide staff with the training and resources to teach lessons linked to mental health and well-being.


We promote being both mentally and physically healthy through our  school values along with PSHRE lessons, themed days/weeks and through daily and weekly awards.

Our pastoral team works with staff to support families, providing Early Help and nurture based interventions where appropriate.

Staff are made aware of the resources and support available to them to promote mental health and well-being and the support services that can be accessed if they believe targeted interventions are needed.

We will pursue links with charitable organisations and companies who provide targeted mental health support services.

Simple pupil surveys may be used to assess pupils concerns or gather pupil opinions about mental health and well-being issues.


All staff and children at Croft will be aware of what mental health is and how to look after their own.

We will see an improvement in self esteem, resilience expectations and aspirations in the children.

Most children will be able to understand and regulate their own emotions.

Staff and children will know where to seek advice and support and will be given the tools to help improve their own mental health where needed.

Regular CPD will ensure staff are up to date with mental health issues and support services.

Pupil and staff surveys will reflect improved mental health and well being.