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Life learning!

Our fabulous Life Learning lead is Mr Keene!


To deliver a life learning curriculum that helps children to understand important, age appropriate information in the areas of personal, social, health and relationships and economic education. Children should begin to understand risks and will have gained knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions.

Linked with the school’s vision and values, our life learning lessons should teach all children to CARE.

C – show compassion and consideration

A – have aspirations and achieve

R – be respectful and responsible

E – enjoy excellence and have high expectations

Our life learning curriculum should also give children an understanding of the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Our life learning lessons can also be adapted to suit any additional needs of the cohort as well as any issues in the children’s local community.


This will be implemented by following a comprehensive curriculum that covers these areas across all year groups. This curriculum has been developed by me using objectives from the PSHE association. Children will have discrete lessons taught weekly as well as accessing learning in their continuous provision. Children’s learning will be documented in floor books across their time at Croft Infant School. The schools vision and values as well as fundamental British values will be reinforced by adults in school at all times. This will be reinforced especially during adult and child led learning whilst they are in continuous provision. Class rules, routines and adult’s expectations of children will also help to engrain the teachings from life learning.

In early years, life learning lessons will not be discretely taught weekly. Stand-alone lessons will be taught for specific events and times of year such as internet safety day and sun safety during Summer terms. EYFS children will achieve life learning objectives through achieving their early learning goals. Specifically, children at expected level for life learning would have achieved the following early learning goals: Self-regulation, managing self and building relationships. They would be expected to show the below:


Children will leave Croft Infant School with the foundations of knowledge, understanding and emotions to be able to play an active, positive and successful role in today’s diverse society. They will know about relationships in order to be safe and to understand and develop healthy relationships both now and in their future lives. Children will have the beginnings of knowledge required to be ready to live in modern Britain. This will mean they will have an acceptance that people having different faiths or beliefs to oneself (or having none) should be accepted and tolerated, and should not be the cause of prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour. They should have an understanding of the importance of identifying and combatting discrimination. They will understand the importance of the rule of law and will have a basic understanding of democracy.


As part of “Children’s Mental Health Week” the Year 2s have been learning about different emotions and talked about different things they can do to make themselves feel happy and help their minds stay healthy.

They have been outside gardening, played feelings bingo and had a go at yoga!