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Our fabulous Computing lead is Mrs Harris!

Computing Intent, Implementation and Impact

“A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.”  

The National Curriculum (2013) 


At Croft Infant School our intention is that pupils will be able to access a broad curriculum that balances the knowledge and skills needed within Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy.  The children will use these skills to inform and enhance life-long learning and equip them for the future.  We intend for pupils to have a clear understanding of computing; and this should include algorithms, simple programs, logical reasoning and prediction.  We also aim for pupils to purposefully and creatively store, manipulate and retrieve digital content as well as being able to recognise how technology is used across the wider world.  We believe that young children need a strong, but age-appropriate, understanding of how to keep safe when using modern computing technology and the internet.  This will then allow pupils to feel protected, well-informed and able to self-regulate when using technology and the internet and all it has to offer both in school and at home. 

We fully adhere to the aims of the: - 

Early Years Foundation Stage Framework to ensure that all children: 

Personal, Social, and Emotional Development –  

  • Show resilience and perseverance in the face of a challenge.  

  • Know and talk about the different factors that support their overall health and wellbeing: - sensible amounts of ‘screen time’. 

Physical Development –  

  • Develop their small motor skills so that they can use a range of tools competently, safely and confidently. 

Expressive Art & Design –  

  • Explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas and feelings. 

Primary National Curriculum for Computing to ensure that all children: 

  • Can understand and apply the principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation. 

  • Can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems. 

  • Can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems. 

  • Are responsible, competent, confident, and creative users of information and communication technology. 


Our computing curriculum recognises that Computing is taught as a discrete subject as well as making links through other subjects.  Many of the skills are transferrable which provides a wealth of learning opportunities across all of the curriculum subjects and our termly topics. 

In Reception, computing does not present in the EYFS curriculum, however as a school we use technology to support learning in other areas of the EYFS and to offer foundations of computing in preparation for the transition to Year 1.  The children in Reception learn how to follow instructions, explore programmable toys (Bee-bots) and use IWB games to support learning across other areas of the Curriculum.  They begin to understand how we can use the internet for information that will help us in our learning and explore a range of different technologies.  Children have access to iPads and Chromebooks as part of their enhanced provision. 

In Key Stage One, computing is taught discretely using the ‘Purple Mash’ curriculum and covers all aspects of the National Curriculum including; Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Computer Science.  Knowledge and skills are taught progressively, allowing the children to embed their learning over time.  The children have access to iPads, Chromebooks, desktops and Bee-bots to help support their learning.  In addition to this, each classroom has an interactive Whiteboard, to further enable and enhance learning.  All children throughout Croft Infant School have individual access to Purple Mash, meaning that they can consolidate their learning out of school too. 

We teach E-Safety as an explicit part of our curriculum through Computing and PSRHE/PSED across the whole school.  We discuss issues such as; keeping personal information private, trusting people and sources online, treating others online as we would in real life and what to do if anything makes children feel uncomfortable online.  As well as the units on Purple Mash, we also use a range of age suitable literacy which introduces children to E-safety issues, such as ‘Digiduck’s Big Decision’ and ‘Smartie the Penguin’.  Throughout the year, children are reminded of how to keep safe online when the situation arises.  Annually, Internet Safety day is recognised in school through stand alone lessons and focused activities. 

Opportunities for using Purple Mash to support Computing in EYFS: 

In Reception, children at Croft Infant School are exposed to activities within Mini-Mash to support their learning towards achieving early learning goals.  These activities are linked to ongoing learning in other areas of the curriculum and are used alongside other enhancements within the classroom setting.  Children are also taught explicit computing skills which gives them a secure base to explore technology and ensures that they are ready for progressing through the Computing curriculum as they progress into Key Stage 1. 

Here are the areas covered in Mini-Mash- 

Computer Science Information Technology Digital Literacy


Mouse and

Trackpad Skills





Robots  Sounds Photography


Around Us


Safety and 



Using Purple Mash

with Individual Login


Overview of Computing in Key Stage 1: 

In Key Stage 1, children are taught a discrete weekly Computing lesson, following the Purple Mash scheme of work.  The units outlined below show clear coverage of the 3 strands of Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy within Purple Mash and at Croft, we have rearranged the units to fit in within our topics and wider curriculum areas. 

Predominant Area of Computing

(Most units will include aspects of all strands)

Computer Science Information Technology Digital Literacy


Purple Mash - Year 1 - Whole Year Overview

(It is recommended to teach Unit 1.1 first as it introduces Purple Mash, but other units can be taught in any order to meet the needs of your wider curriculum)

Unit 1.1

Online Safety &

Exploring Purple Mash

Unit 1.2

Grouping & 


Unit 1.3


Unit 1.4

Lego Builders

Unit 1.5

Maze Engineers

Unit 1.6

Animated Story 


Unit 1.7


Unit 1.8


Unit 1.9

Technology outside 



Purple Mash - Year 2 - Whole Year Overview

(These units can be taught in any order to meet the needs of your wider curriculum)

Unit 2.1


Unit 2.2

Online Safety

Unit 2.3


Unit 2.4


Unit 2.5

Effective Searching

Unit 2.6

Creating Pictures

Unit 2.7

Making Music

Unit 2.8

Presenting Ideas



At Croft Infant School, children in Reception will be assessed against the Foundation Stage profile, and in Key Stage 1, children will be assessed against the objectives and success criteria for each unit of work on Purple Mash alongside the expected outcomes in the National Curriculum.  Following a series of discrete lessons, children are set an individual ‘Rainbow job’ to complete as part of their weekly learning, and this allows teachers to assess and consolidate any misconceptions or errors.  Learning Journals, Floorbooks, Conversations with Pupils during Pupil Voice sessions, Photographs and Videos will be used as the key assessment tools for all year groups.  


At Croft Infant School learning in computing is enjoyed across the school.  Teachers consistently have high expectations and quality evidence is presented in a variety of forms.   Children use digital and technological vocabulary accurately, alongside a progression in their technical skills. They are confident using a range of hardware and software and will produce high-quality purposeful work.  Children see the digital world as part of their world, extending beyond school, and understand that they have choices to make.  They are aware of how to stay safe online and are confident and respectful digital citizens, ready to take on the next challenges that they will face as they move onto Key Stage 2 and into the wider digital world. 

Y2 have completed a ‘digital footprint’ quiz in their computing independent learning, to show what they have learned about keeping safe on the internet

Year 2 have been learning about digital communication in computing and have been practising replying and sending emails and attaching a picture

In Reception, the children read a story called 'Digiduck's Big Decision' to learn about how to stay safe when using the internet. Here is some of their follow up work.