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Visions and Values

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide a very special environment which develops our children as confident, happy & respectful citizens, prepared for their world; now & in the future; real and virtual.

  • We will improve outcomes for all our children where no child is left behind socially or academically because of disadvantage. Our school uses the research-based principles of taking the tiered approach of high quality teaching, targeted support and other wider strategies to ensure every child can succeed. 
  • Our environment warmly welcomes children with adults who build relationships with them by showing compassion and consideration towards their life experiences and starting points.
  • We have high aspirations and expectations for all children to achieve through quality first teaching where there is a focus on adapting teaching to remove any potential barriers to learning. This is proven to have the greatest impact in raising attainment.  Children are active participants in their learning and, here at Croft, we use a carefully balanced approach to continuous and enhanced provision alongside direct teaching. 
  • Children are taught to be independent learners and are encouraged to become respectful and responsible for their actions and levels of engagement – including the need for children to want to achieve for themselves and not for extrinsic rewards.  All our children’s successes are celebrated to help them develop the enjoyment of excellence. 
  • Alongside academic rigor, we also actively monitor & support the social and emotional wellbeing of our children to ensure they are all able to access a rich and broad curriculum, whatever the challenges they face; there is no, “one size fits all” - together, we are a rainbow of possibilities so let's ALL SPARKLE and SHINE!