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Sports Premium

The four objectives of the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding are:

  • To improve the quality of existing PE teaching through continuing professional learning in PE for generalists, so that all pupils improve their health, skills and physical literacy, and have broader exposure to a range of sports.
  • To increase participation levels in competitive sport and healthy activity of pupils, and maintain these into adolescence.
  • To increase the quality of initial teacher training in PE and sport, and to promote PE specialisation in primary level workforce.
  • Schools understand and value the benefits of high quality PE and sport, including its use as a tool for whole school improvement.

Purpose of funding - What is it for?

All schools have received additional funding into their school budget for PE provision. This is received twice per year and schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but have the freedom to choose how they do this.

Possible uses for the funding might include:

  • hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with teachers when teaching PE;
  • supporting and engaging the least active children through new or additional Change4Life clubs;
  • paying for professional development opportunities for teachers in PE and sport;
  • providing cover to release teachers for professional development in PE and sport;
  • running sport competitions, or increasing pupils’ participation in the School Games;
  • buying quality assured professional development modules or materials for PE and sport;
  • providing places for pupils on after school sports clubs and holiday clubs;

Amber Valley School Sports Partnership

Membership with the above partnership involves a local cluster of schools in our area. The affiliation includes entry into the School Sports Partnership competitions such as athletics, football and tennis but also gives the children access to other opportunities including Bikeability and Mini-Leader training. Bikeability aims to give children the skills and confidence to control a bike safely. The specialist sports teachers provide their weekly planning through the School Sports Website which all practitioners can access prior to lessons. They are also responsible, alongside class teachers, for evidencing individual children’s progress. This information is also accessible on the secure website. Development in practice throughout the year will involve the coaches planning alongside class teachers, this will develop into a team teaching situation. Next steps will involve the Sports coaches observing teachers and providing developmental feedback in order to impact on practice in a sustainable way.

PE throughout the school follows the requirements of the National Curriculum 2014.

Key Stage 1

At KS1, children have the following opportunities:

  • Master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.
  • Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending.
  • Perform dances using simple movement patterns.

They learn to...

  • Games and athletics:
    • Use the terms ‘opponent’ and ‘team-mate’.
    • Use rolling, hitting, running, jumping, catching and kicking skills in combination.
    • Develop tactics.
    • Lead others when appropriate.
  • Dance:
    • Copy and remember moves and positions.
    • Move with careful control and coordination.
    • Link two or more actions to perform a sequence.
    • Choose movements to communicate a mood, feeling or idea.
  • Gymnastics:
    • Copy and remember actions.
    • Move with some control and awareness of space.
    • Link two or more actions to make a sequence.
    • Show contrasts (such as small/tall, straight/curved and wide/narrow).
    • Travel by rolling forwards, backwards and sideways.
    • Hold a position whilst balancing on different points of the body.
    • Climb safely on equipment.
    • Stretch and curl to develop flexibility.
    • Jump in a variety of ways and land with increasing control and balance.
  • Sports Coaching in School is delivered by Professional Sports Coaches from Amber Valley School Sports Partnership. (See link)