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Our School Day

What does our school day look like?

We open our doors at 8:40am where children are welcome to come into school and get themselves organised! 

Their morning routine is usually...

  • Come into school
  • Walk to their classroom
  • Hang up their coat on their peg
  • Take their book bag and water bottle into their classroom
  • Take a breakfast bagel to enjoy
  • Ready to start the day at 8:50am! 

School officially starts at 8:50am and all children should be in their classrooms by this time so that learning can begin. Our playground gate, and all external doors, are then locked and any children arriving late must do so via the main school entrance, which is accessed through the large main gates.  Here you will find Mrs Newton in our office! 

EYFS day (Reception)

  • 8:50am - School starts
  • 11:45am - Lunch time
  • 12:45pm - Start of the afternoon session

Key Stage 1 day (Y1 and Y2)

  • 10:20am - Break time 
  • 12:00pm - Lunch time
  • 1:00pm - Start of the afternoon session

Our school day finishes at 3:00pm for all our children

Our total hours is currently 30 hours and 50 minutes 

Children come into school, and leave school, through doors nearest to their classrooms...

When the weather is bad, we open our doors 5 minutes early - at the start and end of the day - and families are welcome to come into the hall to wait.