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Our fabulous Music lead is Mr Keene!


To deliver a music curriculum that provides children with the following:

A broad musical culture in school, accessing high quality curricular and cross-curricular music. This should include a range of genres from wide-spanning diverse musical artists.

To be able to access the expertise, instruments, technology and facilities they need to learn, create and share their music.

To engage with a range of enrichment opportunities to play and sing, to perform, create and experience live music and have their music heard.

To have opportunities to progress their musical interests and talents, and routes into a variety of music careers.


Our Music curriculum ensures that children sing, listen, perform, evaluate and compose in their Music lessons and in their learning across the school. Children will use different instruments, as well as their own bodies and voices to perform. As well as performance, children will learn the fundamentals of music theory including a rich vocabulary. They will also learn to compose music using instruments as well as technology. Using Kapow, we deliver in-depth and high-quality Music lessons weekly from EYFS to year 2. Outside of weekly Music lessons, children take part in a weekly singing assembly in which they will listen to different genres of music and get to perform songs as a whole school. Termly, all children will take part in a musical performance, for example a Christmas performance in the Winter term. Children will also have the opportunity to join extra-curricular musical opportunities like joining the school choir in which they will experience practising and performing songs.

Children will also access music learning through their continuous provision across the school. Children will also have the opportunity to learn music through cross-curricular songs – for example ABC’s for learning the alphabet and songs for learning counting in 2’s for maths.


Children will leave Croft Infant School as musicians because they will have experience in performing and composing music as well as having the vocabulary and experience to evaluate music they hear. They will have a confidence in music and will be able to take this into their future learning. Children will also have heard a wide range of music that will give them the opportunity to find a style they enjoy. They will be able to show an appreciation and respect for a wide range of musical styles from around the world.

Children will leave school meeting end of key stage expectations outlined in the national curriculum for Music.